2024 IHF Field Notes

Tomato -- Solanum lycopersicum -- Many Varieties

Sown 4/10
Germination 4/14 (4 days)

Germination counts (28 Brandywine, 40 Sungold, 18 Strawberry Fields)
4/14, 8am: 3
4/14, 2pm: 15
4/15, 7am: 48
4/15, 3pm: 80
4/16, 9am: 84

4/21 -- Really not much to say here. High confidence level with sowing tomato seeds for a reason. Standard sowing - 128 cell tray, germination mix from Johnny's. Did do a smart thing and put the marker stakes into empty cells to not interfere with the seed in those cells. The result - 84/86 for 98% germination. My best ever germination rate with these in four seasons of greenhouse growing! All the plants are looking good - probably still a few days away from potting up. As per usual with the 128 trays, having to water quite frequently, so looking forward to that potting up.

4/28 -- Moved all of these up into 50s this week. Was able to move all but a couple of them. Moved ones looking just fine so far.

5/11 -- Nothing to report here - these look fine. The ones in the 50s are getting to the point where they need to either go out, or move to 4 inch pots.