2024 IHF Field Notes

Cucumber -- Cucumis sativus -- Sashimi

Sown 4/14
Germination 4/17

Germination counts
4/17, 6am: 1
4/17, 10am: 15
4/17, 4pm: 26
4/18, 8am: 32

4/14 -- Sown into a 38 cell tray, at recommended depth, using MG potting mix. So last year I made a big deal about using the "correct" size of tray (a 50 versus a 38) - but I think the difference for sure was the heat mat, not the cell size, so I'm experimenting again by using a 38 with the heat mat. I actually felt like the 50 cell tray was too crowded once the plants got large, so I think the 38 is a better choice. I'm also sowing them a week earlier as well, but that's a greenhouse space issue - I need the space where the heat mat is, and with my schedule this year, the cucumber tray would be the only thing on the heat mat if I sowed it next weekend!

4/21 -- Absolutely nothing bad to say here. Like last year, these germinated super fast and super well - 32 of 34 for 94%, despite being in a 38 instead. Was able to take them off the heat mat a couple of days ago. They look great, I don't anticipate any issues from here.

4/28 -- Oddly enough, those final two empty cells aren't empty any longer. Both germinated, although one of them doesn't look very good and probably won't develop. The other is fine, just behind. These are getting BIG in a hurry and look amazing.

5/11 -- These are - enormous! I'm planning to put them out this weekend because they are in desperate need of more space. They look great, though.